Environmental rehabilitation and remediation is our business. As such, we take our environmental responsibilities very seriously. At LANDROC, we are also committed to being a valued and valuable member of the communities in which we do business, so we take our commitment to ensuring we have a positive impact on communities very seriously as well.

Our commitment extends beyond mere compliance with all laws, regulations and statutory obligations; we seek to develop a deep commitment within our organisation, such that zero environmental incidents are, like safety, simply a part of our ‘organisational DNA’. We are committed to appropriate training, assignation of responsibilities, regularly reviewing performance and keeping our staff, suppliers, contractors and project team are kept up-to-date and well informed.

We seek to continually improve our performance; all LANDROC personnel are encouraged to identify and report situations or work practices that may negatively impact upon the environment. We seek to minimise our environmental footprint through our purchasing power, travel practices and on-site performance.

We strive to be a valued and valuable member of the communities in which we operate. Wherever possible, LANDROC will hire locally, use local service providers and facilities, and support capacity building. Importantly, we have strong relationships with Aboriginal peoples in the communities in which we operate, and we seek to maximise the participation of aboriginal parties in robust commercial enterprise, building capacity and contributing to a lasting, positive legacy. We are also cognisant of the commitments of many of our customers to Aboriginal participation, and strive to support their reconciliation goals as well. We are a culturally sensitive and compassionate employer.
